Stephanie Says:

This blog is where I post my poems, when I remember or when I find scraps of paper from years ago. The date I post a poem usually has nothing to do with the date I wrote it!
I feel like poetry is discovered, rather than written, and I like to find it and share it. It's kind of like archaeology - you can unearth a good poem and learn something from it. But you didn't really write the poem yourself, you just provided the medium through which the poems can show themselves to the world. At least, that's what it feels like to me.

Friday 7 November 2008

The English Year

When it’s springtime,
The wildlife bounds while
The sun takes a peek at the new day.
The pink sky is decorated with rainbows,
The daffodils pop up with the buttercups,
A refreshing breeze passes through the fresh, green land.

When it’s summer,
The sun strolls along the diamond water and
The colours cry ‘Good Day!’
To every one who passes.
The watermelon is red and juicy,
A wave of sunshine comes tumbling around us.

When it’s autumn,
Nature is an inspiration.
The oranges and browns bring a welcome change,
The squirrels bury acorns of green and yellow,
Trees start donating leaves to mice and hedgehogs for hibernation.

In the winter season,
The animals snuggle up
Ready for the New Year,
Footsteps munch away at the crisp, new snow while
Old mister redbreast hops around.
The cobwebs are decorated for the coming celebrations.

Every single year,
All theses changes around us,
Animals, plants, weather.
But always it keeps going on
And always there’s a fresh new way
To admire the earth and sky,
In this world where nature soars

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