Stephanie Says:

This blog is where I post my poems, when I remember or when I find scraps of paper from years ago. The date I post a poem usually has nothing to do with the date I wrote it!
I feel like poetry is discovered, rather than written, and I like to find it and share it. It's kind of like archaeology - you can unearth a good poem and learn something from it. But you didn't really write the poem yourself, you just provided the medium through which the poems can show themselves to the world. At least, that's what it feels like to me.

Thursday, 6 November 2008

Poetry Discovered

I don't think we write poems, I think they were already there. We just discover them. Some people are better at discovering poems than others. Sometimes you discover most of a poem but can't find one line, and you have to write that bit yourself, but it always stands out as being the line that doesn't quite belong with the rest of the poem.
I'd like to share some of the poems I've discovered. Perhaps they're not very good, perhaps I haven't begun yet to look for poetry in the right places...

This blog will be dedicated to poems about everyday things (a rumbling stomach, getting the bus); to poems about nature (the seasons, the world from the perspective of a giant tortoise); to poems about emotions (smiling, despair) and to other rhymes and rhythms that my pen stumbles across. Hopefully somebody out there will appreciate my crazy ramblings!

Let me know :)


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