Stephanie Says:

This blog is where I post my poems, when I remember or when I find scraps of paper from years ago. The date I post a poem usually has nothing to do with the date I wrote it!
I feel like poetry is discovered, rather than written, and I like to find it and share it. It's kind of like archaeology - you can unearth a good poem and learn something from it. But you didn't really write the poem yourself, you just provided the medium through which the poems can show themselves to the world. At least, that's what it feels like to me.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Falling Down

I brood along the rushing streets
tumble through my lonely thoughts
down inside my broken dreams
You smile at me just like before.

find misery with every step
the consuming pain of memory
ground darkens in the cold and wet
But the hurricane's inside of me

I cannot turn back to the lights,
keep walking though the path has gone
falling lonely through the night
down to where I don't belong;

down into the darkest hole
down goes my fragmented soul.